The Adams County Sheriffs Office (ASCO) is a service organization.
Our primary mission is to service the Court of Common Pleas by providing
security in its court rooms, serving its various warrants, writs, summons,
subpoenas, complaints, and Protection of Abuse orders not just for
the court, but for attorneys and private individuals. In addition to
these functions you will see by reading below that the Sheriff's Office
does much more than that.
The Sheriff's Office also handles landlord-tenant complaints, executes eviction orders, conducts levies on personal property and holds Sheriff’s sales. The Office also administrates the state’s Concealed Carry Weapons permit program in the county processing applications, conducting background investigations and issuing permits. The ASCO also issues permits to sell firearms and precious metals.
While not a primary duty, Sheriff Deputies provide assistance to local police officers when requested and enforce the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code while driving through the county during regular business. By doing this the ACSO adds to the overall safety of motorists and pedestrians within the county.
As your elected Sheriff, my belief has been that the ASCO is more
than just a service component to the courts and police. Our Deputies
work here, live here, shop here and play here: we are all a part of this
county. I see it as a community-oriented office.
Accordingly, I have
involved the Office in many community programs that better relations
between county citizens and the ASCO which help foster mutual respect
and co-operation.
Some of these programs are:

• The Sheriff participates in the “Deputy Phil” Program. ASCO personnel visit various schools in Adams County teaching children about safety, strangers, intervention and bus safety through the use of a puppet and magic show.
• Leggie and Tuko, our K-9's have been known to make school visits too, much to the delight of the younger students there. Leggie has also made numerous visits to area Cub Scout and Boy Scout Troop meetings as well as summer day camps for children.
• Sheriff Muller belongs to Adams County Tech Prep, an effort geared towards preparing High School students who wish to pursue a career in the Criminal Justice field through the use of a “shadowing program.” He also sponsors a newspaper in Education Class (donating a copy of the Gettysburg Times) to a school.
Wounded Warrior Project
The Adams County Sheriff and his staff have proudly supported the Wounded Warriors Ride for the past several years by providing traffic safety escort services to the numerous pedal powered riders who participate in this charity event on behalf of America’s wounded warriors. The route takes them from Washington, DC, through Maryland and into Pennsylvania where it terminates in Gettysburg.

<- Yes, that is Sheriff Muller in that Easter bunny suit!!