Second Ammendment
Information regarding Sheriff Muller's position on the 2nd Amendment:
I have sworn an oath to protect and defend Constitution of the United States upon entering the Marine Corps and serving as a
Viet Nam combat Veteran and again when I was twice sworn in as the Sheriff of Adams County.
I have been a long - time supporter of the 2nd Amendment, a gun owner, competitive shooter and a firearms instructor.
I initiated a public - private partnership with a number of Gun Clubs in Adams County to hold a 16 hour, two day course
for those having or contemplating having a License to Carry a concealed weapon. That program is being expanded.
I have attended two national conventions concerning Constitutional Sheriff’s issues; one of only a handful who have done so.
In fact, while one opponent talks of supporting the CSPOA, I actually have the personal endorsement of Sheriff Richard Mack (Ret),
the founder and Director of the Constitutional Sheriff’s and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA).
I want you to know that not only am I legally prohibited from enforcing any law that is deemed unconstitutional; I personally would never allow
myself to be part of any gun confiscation in Adams County which is constitutionally illegal.
National Constitutional Sheriffs Assoc. LLC, position on recent executive orders and other usurpation and encroachments.
For immediate release and publication.
View Here..
Sheriff Richard Mack & CSPOA Endorsement of Sheriff James Muller - View Letter - Website